Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Online Application FAQ's
Ans. Portal for B.Tech. (4 Years) Course is already open. For rest of the course’s portal will be
opened very soon
Ans. For Registration/Apply, please visit our website “”
Ans. Until Registration is closed, Registration Form can be edited anytime using your User ID
and Password. However, for change in Name, Father’s Name, Date of Birth, please send
your corrected particulars along with authenticated proof like DMC of 10th Class,
Driving License or Aadhar Card.
Fee/ Refund FAQ's
Ans. For details, please visit our website “”.
Ans. Apply a fresh and make a request for earlier wrong payment.
Ans. You can fill the form using your User ID and Password till last date of editing
Ans. If the fee paid by you is same for which you applied and you want to apply a fresh then
send an e-mail to “”.
Ans. Refund of Application fee is made at the end of admission process on the basis of fee
deducted twice or more for the same registration.
Ans. See refund policy in the Handbook of Information available on the website in due course.
Ans. For refund of fee, the necessary form with requisite proof needs to be filled.
Ans. Please see serial no. 6.
Ans. Wait for 24 to 48 hours. If the status is same then e-mail to “”.
Technical/ Helpline FAQ's
Ans. Wait for 24 to 48 hours. If the status is same then e-mail to “”. Due
to lockdown helpline numbers are not working.
Ans. Proper saving procedure for application form is mandatory.
Ans. In the website under application form “forget password” link is available to get the
password again. For user ID email to “”.
Ans. Use distinction between “0 (Zero) and alphabet o”. If still facing problem email to
Ans. For Registration/applying even result awaited candidate can apply. However, to get
admitted proof of declared result is needed on counseling day.
Ans. No documents are required for applying, only signature and photograph is required.
Ans. 20 kb for each case.
Ans. For General Courses Candidate can apply for 4 courses in a single form. However, for
courses with entrance test candidate will have to fill separate form for each course.
Course FAQ's
Ans. Please visit our website “” and see Handbook of Information
related to course of your choice.
Ans. Please visit our website “” and see Handbook of Information
related to course of your choice and see the eligibility criteria under the relevant
Ans. Please visit our website “” and see Handbook of Information
related to course of your choice and see the seats of various courses.
Ans. It is must to attend the counselling for admission purpose. However if some seats remain
vacant even after admission process is over, candidate will be considered on merit
Ans. Accommodation of Hostel seats is being looked after by Dean, Students Welfare office
on the recommendation of concerned Head of the Department. Generally the seats are
allotted, when the students attend their classes on the opening of session.
Ans. For Counselling Schedule or Counselling dates, please visit our website
“” from time to time.