Seat Matrix for CUET-PG Admissions-2024

1Master of Tourism & Travel Management (M.T.T.M.)
2Master of Arts (Hindi Translation)
3Master of Arts (Hindi)
4Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) (MA-JMC)
5Master of Commerce (M.Com)
6Advance Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling (ADCGC)
7PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDRP)
8Master of Technology (Energy Systems and Management)
9Master of Science (Geography)
10Master of Arts (Economics)
11Master of Arts (Psychology)
12Master of Science (Nutrition Biology)
13Master of Science (Biochemistry)
14Master of Arts (Political Science)
15Master of Science (Mathematics)
16Master of Science (Physics)
17Master of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (M.H.M.C.T.)
18M.Sc. (Geoinformatics)
19Master of Technology (Structural Engineering)
20Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) (3Year) Professional Course
21Master of Law (LL.M)
22Master of Arts (English)
23Master of Science (Microbiology)
24Master of Science (Statistics)
25Master of Arts (Sanskrit)
26Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)
27Master of Arts (Sociology)
28Master of Arts (History and Archaeology)
29Master of Science (Environmental Science)
30Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
31M.Sc. (Data Science)
32Master of Business Administration (MBA)
33Master of Science (Chemistry)
34Master of Science (Biotechnology)
35Master of Library & Information Science
36M.Pharm. (Pharmacology)
37Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) (Pharmacognosy)
38Master of Education (M. Ed.)
39Master of Sciences (Yoga)
40Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
41Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.)
  • 1Master of Science (Physics)
    2Master of Arts (Hindi)
    3Master of Arts (Hindi Translation)
    4Master of Science (Statistics)
    5Master of Business Administration (MBA)
    6Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) (MA-JMC)
    7Advance Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling (ADCGC)
    8PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDRP)
    9Master of Science (Nutrition Biology)
    10Master of Arts (Sanskrit)
    11Master of Arts (History and Archaeology)
    12Master of Arts (Economics)
    13Master of Commerce (M.Com)
    14Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) (3Year) Professional Course
    15Master of Law (LL.M)
    16Master of Science (Biochemistry)
    17M.Pharm. (Pharmacology)
    18Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) (Pharmacognosy)
    19Master of Sciences (Yoga)
    20Master of Arts (Psychology)
    21Master of Science (Environmental Science)
    22Master of Technology (Energy Systems and Management)
    23Master of Library & Information Science
    24Master of Arts (Political Science)
    25Master of Science (Microbiology)
    26Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)
    27Master of Arts (English)
    28M.Sc. (Geoinformatics)
    29Master of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (M.H.M.C.T.)
    30Master of Tourism & Travel Management (M.T.T.M.)
    31Master of Science (Mathematics)
    32Master of Technology (Structural Engineering)
    33Master of Science (Geography)
    34Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
    35M.Sc. (Data Science)
    36Master of Science (Biotechnology)
    37Master of Science (Chemistry)
    38Master of Education (M. Ed.)
    39Master of Arts (Sociology)
    40Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
    41Master of Physical Education (M.P.Ed.)
1Master of Science (Statistics)
2Master of Arts (Hindi)
3Master of Arts (Economics)
4Master of Science (Physics)
5Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
6M.Sc. (Data Science)
7Master of Arts (Political Science)
8Master of Library & Information Science
9Master of Commerce (M.Com)
10Master of Arts (Sanskrit)
11Advance Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling (ADCGC)
12PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDRP)
13Master of Arts (Psychology)
14Master of Science (Geography)
15M.Sc. (Geoinformatics)
16Master of Law (LL.M)
17Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) (3Year) Professional Course
18Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)
19Master of Science (Environmental Science)
20Master of Science (Nutrition Biology)
21Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) (MA-JMC)
22Master of Science (Biochemistry)
23Master of Sciences (Yoga)
24Master of Science (Mathematics)
25Master of Arts (History and Archaeology)
26Master of Science (Microbiology)
27Master of Arts (English)
28M.Pharm. (Pharmacology)
29Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) (Pharmacognosy)
30Master of Science (Biotechnology)
31Master of Arts (Sociology)
32Master of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (M.H.M.C.T.)
33Master of Tourism & Travel Management (M.T.T.M.)
34Master of Education (M. Ed.)
35Master of Technology (Structural Engineering)
36Master of Business Administration (MBA)
37Master of Science (Chemistry)
38Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
1Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
2M.Sc. (Data Science)
3Master of Science (Physics)
4Master of Science (Biochemistry)
5Master of Commerce (M.Com)
6Master of Science (Nutrition Biology)
7Master of Sciences (Yoga)
8Master of Arts (Economics)
9Master of Science (Statistics)
10M.Pharm. (Pharmacology)
11Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) (Pharmacognosy)
12Master of Science (Environmental Science)
13Master of Tourism & Travel Management (M.T.T.M.)
14Master of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (M.H.M.C.T.)
15Master of Library & Information Science
16Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)
17Master of Arts (English)
18Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) (MA-JMC)
19Advance Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling (ADCGC)
20PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDRP)
21Master of Science (Geography)
22M.Sc. (Geoinformatics)
23Master of Arts (Political Science)
24Master of Education (M. Ed.)
25Master of Science (Microbiology)
26Master of Arts (Psychology)
27Master of Science (Mathematics)
28Master of Law (LL.M)
29Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) (3Year) Professional Course
30Master of Arts (Sociology)
31Master of Science (Biotechnology)
32Master of Arts (Hindi)
33Master of Business Administration (MBA)
34Master of Science (Chemistry)
35Master of Technology (Structural Engineering)
36Master of Arts (History and Archaeology)
37Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
1Master of Commerce (M.Com)
2Master of Library & Information Science
3M.Pharm. (Pharmacology)
4Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) (Pharmacognosy)
5Master of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (M.H.M.C.T.)
6Master of Sciences (Yoga)
7Advance Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling (ADCGC)
8Master of Tourism & Travel Management (M.T.T.M.)
9M.Sc. (Geoinformatics)
10Master of Science (Geography)
11Master of Arts (History and Archaeology)
12Master of Science (Physics)
13Master of Science (Biochemistry)
14Master of Science (Statistics)
15Master of Arts (Economics)
16Master of Science (Nutrition Biology)
17Master of Arts (Political Science)
18Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) (MA-JMC)
19PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDRP)
20Master of Arts (Psychology)
21Master of Law (LL.M)
22Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) (3Year) Professional Course
23Master of Science (Mathematics)
24Master of Arts (English)
25Master of Science (Environmental Science)
26Master of Science (Biotechnology)
27Master of Business Administration (MBA)
28Master of Arts (Hindi)
29Master of Arts (Sociology)
30Master of Science (Microbiology)
31Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)
32Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
33Master of Technology (Structural Engineering)
34M.Sc. (Data Science)
35Master of Science (Chemistry)
36Master of Education (M. Ed.)
37Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
1M.Pharm. (Pharmacology)
2Master of Pharmacy (M.Pharm.) (Pharmacognosy)
3Master of Science (Biotechnology)
4Master of Tourism & Travel Management (M.T.T.M.)
5Master of Hotel Management & Catering Technology (M.H.M.C.T.)
6Master of Arts (Hindi)
7PG Diploma in Rehabilitation Psychology (PGDRP)
8Master of Arts (Psychology)
9Master of Science (Physics)
10Master of Commerce (M.Com)
11Master of Science (Nutrition Biology)
12Master of Technology (Computer Science and Engineering)
13Master of Science (Statistics)
14Master of Arts (Economics)
15Master of Arts (Journalism and Mass Communication) (MA-JMC)
16Master of Science (Biochemistry)
17M.Sc. (Data Science)
18Master of Library & Information Science
19Master of Science (Environmental Science)
20Master of Arts (English)
21Master of Computer Applications (M.C.A.)
22Master of Science (Mathematics)
23Master of Science (Microbiology)
24Master of Arts (History and Archaeology)
25Master of Arts (Political Science)
26Master of Science (Chemistry)
27Master of Science (Geography)
28M.Sc. (Geoinformatics)
29Master of Sciences (Yoga)
30Master of Arts (Sociology)
31Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) (3Year) Professional Course
32Master of Law (LL.M)
33Master of Education (M. Ed.)
34Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.)
35Master of Business Administration (MBA)

Department/ Programme-wise seat matrix on the basis of reservation guidelines for admission to Post Graduate Programmes during the session 2024-25


DepartmentProgrammeIntake 2023-24Reserved for SC
Reserved For ST
Reserved for OBC
Un Reserved
EWS (10%)PWD* (5%)
2Teacher EducationB.Ed.1001582740105
4History & ArcheologyM.A. (History)355391442
5Political ScienceM.A.
(Political Science)
6PsychologyM.A. (Psychology)4063111642
7PG Diploma in Rehabilitation
Psychology (PGDRP)
8Advance Diploma in Child Guidance and Counselling (ADCGC)254271021
9SociologyM.A. (Sociology)355391442
10ChemistryM.Sc. (Chemistry)5084132053
11Computer Science & Information TechnologyM.C.A.5084132053
(Data Science)
13Library & Information ScienceM.Lib.I.Sc.305281232
14Environmental StudiesM.Sc.
(Environmental Science)
15GeographyM.Sc. (Geography)5084132053
17Journalism and Mass
M.A. (JMC)305281232
18English & Foreign LanguagesM.A. (English)4063111642
19HindiM.A. (Hindi)355391442
(Hindi Translation)
24Management StudiesM.B.A.5084132053
25MathematicsM.Sc. (Mathematics)5084132053
26Physics & AstrophysicsM.Sc. (Physics)5084132053
27StatisticsM.Sc. (Statistics)4063111642
28MicrobiologyM.Sc. (Microbiology)355391442
29BiochemistryM.Sc. (Biochemistry)355391442
30Nutrition BiologyM.Sc. (Nutrition
32Tourism and Hotel ManagementM.H.M.C.T305281232
34YogaM.Sc. (Yoga)20325821
35SanskritM.A. (Sanskrit)305281232
36Pharmaceutical SciencesM.Pharm.
38Physical Education and
39Electrical EngineeringM.Tech.
(Energy Systems)
40Civil EngineeringM.Tech. (Structural
41Computer Science and EngineeringM.Tech. (Computer Science and Engineering)18315721
 Total Seats on offer148223111439459215183